DEHNrecord SD

  • Multifunctional measuring equipment based on edge computing
  • 230 V AC supply voltage, alternatively 24 V DC external
  • Compact dimensions (5 modules) for simple integration and retrofitting
  • Installation benefits thanks to adaption to SPDs via busbar
  • Voltage quality measurement according to EN 61000-4-30, class-A-certified
  • Limit values according to EN 50160
  • Option of additional definition of individual PQ limit values
  • Measurement of temporary / power-frequency overvoltages according to EN50550
  • Measurement of load profile and power
  • Integrated digital inputs and outputs, logically linkable
  • Communication link through Modbus TCP and MQTT 3.1 Azure

DRC SD 1 1

Multifunctional measurement and analysis device for monitoring voltage quality

1 Producto

N.º art. 910920 DRC SD 1 1

GTIN 4013364460263, N.º de arancel aduanero (EU): 90303200, Peso bruto: 510.02 g, Empaquetado: 1.00 pc(s)


Más información

Integral, multifunctional measuring equipment
based on edge computing with the following functions:
Supply voltage 230 V, 1-phase via L1, e.g.
via busbar directly from surge arrester /
no additional wiring or backup fuse required
Compact housing for simple integration
and retrofitting, 5 modules in width / DIN rail mounting
Voltage quality measurement according to EN 61000-4-30,
Permanent transmission of the standardised mean values
Fault record transmitted in the event of limit value violation /
Resulting in significantly reduced data volume
for easier handling
Limit values as per EN 50160 / option of
additional definition of individual PQ limit values
Triggerable transmission of the fault record also
without limit value violation / customised triggering
via device button or Web-based
PQ characteristics as per
marking concept according to EN 61000-4-30
Four-pole load current and power measurement by means of
external current coils for measurements of up to either
100 A (split-core current transformer) or up to
1,000 A (Rogowski coils) (cable lengths 3 m)
Measured value transmission of 5-minute mean values
Measurement with the correct polarity for detection
of reference and regenerative power
Measurement of temporary / power-frequency
overvoltages according to EN50550, including customised
parameterisation options; e.g. for reporting
low voltage
Event messages possible via cloud monitor,
digital outputs and via
email notifications
Integrated parameterizable I/O interfaces
3x inputs, 2x outputs, for event-focussed control commands
Integrated measurement point concept
Adaptable by means of busbars directly
to surge protective devices
Communication link via Modbus
TCP/IP interface and MQTT protocol (3.1, Azure-based)
Measured value display either via
DEHN Cloudmonitor or via external
company-specific cloud platforms / Alternatively
by reading from the Modbus register
GPS location positioning for possible
creation of PQ maps
Web-based device configuration and firmware updates

Brand: DEHN
Type: DRC SD 1 1
Part No.: 910920
or equivalent.


Datos técnicos

PQ measuring method as per EN 61000-4-30:2015 Class A
Power supply (UB ) 230 VAC (50 Hz) via L1 of the measuring voltage
Nominal input voltage range 230 / 400 VAC
Input voltage range 185–265 VAC

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DRC SD 2 1

Multifunctional measurement and analysis device for monitoring voltage quality

1 Producto

N.º art. 910921 DRC SD 2 1

GTIN 4013364460270, N.º de arancel aduanero (EU): 90303200, Peso bruto: 510.02 g, Empaquetado: 1.00 pc(s)


Más información

Integral, multifunctional measuring equipment
based on edge computing with the following functions:
Power supply 24 V DC
Compact housing for simple integration
and retrofitting, 5 modules in width / DIN rail mounting
Voltage quality measurement according to EN 61000-4-30,
Permanent transmission of the standardised mean values
Fault record transmitted in the event of limit value violation /
Resulting in significantly reduced data volume
for easier handling
Limit values as per EN 50160 / option of
additional definition of individual PQ limit values
Triggerable transmission of the fault current also
without limit value violation / customised triggering
via device button or Web-based
PQ characteristics as per
marking concept according to EN 61000-4-30
Four-pole load current and power measurement by means of
external current coils for measurements of up to either
100 A (split-core current transformer) or up to
1,000 A (Rogowski coils) (cable lengths 3 m)
Measured value transmission of 5-minute mean values
Measurement with the correct polarity for detection
of reference and regenerative power
Measurement of temporary / power-frequency
overvoltages according to EN50550, including customised
parameterisation options; e.g. for reporting
low voltage
Event messages possible via cloud monitor,
digital outputs and via
email notifications
Integrated parameterizable I/O interfaces
3x inputs, 2x outputs, for event-focussed control commands
Integrated measurement point concept
Adaptable by means of busbars directly
to surge protective devices
Communication link via Modbus
TCP/IP interface and MQTT protocol (3.1, Azure-based)
Measured value display either via
DEHN Cloudmonitor or via external
company-specific cloud platforms / Alternatively
by reading from the Modbus register
GPS location positioning for possible
creation of PQ maps
Web-based device configuration and firmware updates

Brand: DEHN
Type: DRC SD 2 1
Part No.: 910921
or equivalent.


Datos técnicos

PQ measuring method as per EN 61000-4-30:2015 Class A
Power supply (UB ) 24 VDC
Nominal input voltage range 24 VDC SELV (max. 3 W)
Input voltage range 18–30 VDC

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With the DEHNrecord SD ICS, impulse currents of up to 100 kA can be detected on insulated cables.
A minimum distance of ≥ 30 cm must be kept from the insulated conductors.

1 Producto

N.º art. 910935 DRC SD ICS 100

GTIN 4013364460676, N.º de arancel aduanero (EU): 90303370, Peso bruto: 172.02 g, Empaquetado: 1.00 pc(s)


Más información

Impulse current sensor with connecting cable
For measuring impulse currents of up to 100 kA
Max. recording duration 5 sec.
Amplitude resolution 100 A
Sampling rate 1 µs
Configurable trigger threshold via Web server
of the DRC SD 1 1 or DRC SD 2 1
Connecting cable length 3 m

Brand: DEHN
Type: DRC SD ICS 100
Part No.: 910935
or equivalent.


Datos técnicos

Impulse current measuring range (8/20 µs to 10/350 µs) 4-100 kA
Amplitude resolution 100 A
Sampling rate 1 µs
Recording time max. 200 ms
Amplitude trigger threshold Parametrizable via internal Web server
Connecting cable length 3 m

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Split-core current transformer for electronic measurement of alternating current (AC) with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit (power) and secondary circuit (measurement) up to 300 V CAT III.

1 Producto

N.º art. 910936 DRC SD SCS 100

GTIN 4013364460683, N.º de arancel aduanero (EU): 90303370, Peso bruto: 148.50 g, Empaquetado: 1.00 pc(s)


Más información

Split-core current transformer for electronic
measurement of alternating current (AC) with galvanic
isolation between the primary (power) and secondary
circuit (measurement) up to 300 V CAT III.
Accuracy class 1 (IEC 61869-2)
Nominal primary current 100 A
Expanded primary current 120 A
Thermal rated short-time current max. 6 kA @ 50 Hz
Dynamic nominal current max. 3 kA @ 50 Hz
Nominal frequency 50 Hz
Frequency bandwidth (-3 dB) min. 1.5 kHz
Connecting cable length 1 m
Max. cable diameter 16 mm

Brand: DEHN
Type: DRC SD SCS 100
Part No.: 910936
or equivalent.


Datos técnicos

Accuracy class 1 (IEC 61869-2)
Nominal primary current (IPr ) 100 A
Expanded primary current (IePr ) 120 A
Thermal rated short-time current (Ith ) Max. 6 kA @ 50 Hz; 60 x IPr (1 s) kA
Dynamic nominal current (Idyn ) Max. 3 kA @ 50 Hz; 60 x IPr (1 s) kA
Nominal frequency (fr ) 50 Hz
Frequency bandwidth (-3 dB) (BW) min. 1.5 kHz
Max. cable diameter 16 mm
Connecting cable length 1 m

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Rogowski coil current transformer for electronic measurement of alternating current (AC) with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit (power) and secondary circuit (measurement) up to 1,000 V CAT III.

2 Productos

N.º art. 910937 DRC SD RCS 1000 3M

GTIN 4013364460690, N.º de arancel aduanero (EU): 90303370, Peso bruto: 210.46 g, Empaquetado: 1.00 pc(s)


Más información

Rogowski coil current transformer
for electronic measurement
of alternating current (AC) with galvanic
isolation between the primary (power)
and secondary circuit (measurement) up to 1,000 V CAT III
Accuracy class 1 (IEC 61869-2)
Nominal primary current 1,000 A
Expanded primary current 2,000 A
Nominal frequency 50 Hz
Frequency bandwidth (-3 dB) 3 kHz
Connecting cable length 3 m
Max. cable diameter 95 mm

Brand: DEHN
Type: DRC SD RCS 1000 3M
Part No.: 910937
or equivalent.


Datos técnicos

Accuracy class 1 (IEC 61869-2)
Nominal primary current (IPr ) 1000 A
Expanded primary current (IePr ) 2000 A
Nominal frequency (fr ) 50 Hz
Frequency bandwidth (-3 dB) (BW) 3 kHz
Positioning error (εL ) < +/-1%
Max. cable diameter 95 mm
Connecting cable length 3 m

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N.º art. 910938 DRC SD RCS 1000 1M

GTIN 4013364467668, N.º de arancel aduanero (EU): 90303370, Peso bruto: 147.19 g, Empaquetado: 1.00 pc(s)


Más información

Rogowski coil current transformer
for electronic measurement
of alternating current (AC) with galvanic
isolation between the primary (power)
and secondary circuit (measurement) up to 1,000 V CAT III
Accuracy class 1 (IEC 61869-2)
Nominal primary current 1,000 A
Expanded primary current 2,000 A
Nominal frequency 50 Hz
Frequency bandwidth (-3 dB) 3 kHz
Connecting cable length 1 m
Max. cable diameter 95 mm

Brand: DEHN
Type: DRC SD RCS 1000 1M
Part No.: 910938
or equivalent.


Datos técnicos

Accuracy class 1 (IEC 61869-2)
Nominal primary current (IPr ) 1000 A
Expanded primary current (IePr ) 2000 A
Nominal frequency (fr ) 50 Hz
Frequency bandwidth (-3 dB) (BW) 3 kHz
Positioning error (εL ) < +/-1%
Max. cable diameter 95 mm
Connecting cable length 1 m

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